Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oneword - Change

Change? What? Spare change given to a homeless person? Changing nappies? Change doesn’t mean anything apart from a new figurehead that takes the fall or the glory for a political system that in affect can’t do anything because it still takes such a conservative approach when it comes to governing. Are we in Australia better off because Kevin Rudd now runs the country as opposed to John Howard. No. We are affected by a global system and a baby brother syndrome that is affected by global economics that in no way gives him any real control to affect change. Every president talks about change. Bill Clinton ‘It’s going to be about change’, Sure Obama is the first Afro-American to become president so that could signify a change in American thinking. But this will take a number of generations. Why? Because everyone is making such a big deal about it. And im not saying I don’t support Obama. Not at all. It just reflects a greater problem in society that for an Afro-American man to finally reach the ultimate position of power it still iundicates larger prejudices still at work in society. Will bigatory still exist? Of course it will. September 11 was supposed to ‘Change’ the way americans think. The whole free world was supposed to band together. Have they? Apart from sending more troops over to fight for oil are people treating their fellow man with anymore respect then before that tragedy. No. Change is merely a political nothing word that has more meaning when applied in its noun form. It is not some dynamic word that totally changes the world. And funnily enough George Bush’s intelligence level and understanding of the word change probably means more. That’s where he is now – Looking for change in his fish pond where he is co-existing peacefully.

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