Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time sure does Fly

I havent posted for around 6 months and boy has it been busy. I've arrived back from the States safe and sound. I sure did enjoy my time over there with fond memories of the Canyon, The Wine Bar (now gone!!) on the pier in Santa Barbara, and the Japanese restaurant on State St that always impressed. I have to say Los Angeles is a top notch part of the world. The only black mark against them - The Los Angeles Lakers.

Onc again I went to the Australian Open Tennis. This time doing something id never done, going to a night session. Turned out to be great. Had sweet seats right behind the server and we were lucky enough to be sitting besides a bunch of true larikans - who declared themselves to be the cheer squad'

Turns out these guys were on par with the tennis as far as entertainment value was concerned. Memorable props like the big fold up phone 'YEAH MUM IM AT THE TENNIS.......WOMEN"S SINGLES.........SUPRISINGLY GOOD...'
TO the theme of Billy Joel's 'For the longest time' ' Woah Woah Woooah Forehand down the Line'
Well navigated TOM TOM (re Bernard Tomik)
The Dispraportionate Head Guy

Justin Henna Hardin was also making her return to tennis and she put on a great game of tennis. The men's game appeared one-sided but was stretched out. It was just getting too late so we bailed after the third or fourth set.

Since returning to Australia I've become in Australia's premier Ice Hockey league - The AIHL. Melbourne forked out quite a few clams to erect a massive winter sports complex in the heart of the docklands precinct. Featuring 2 full size rinks, elite training facilities and a 1000 + seat grand stand hockey time is now in Victoria.

I volunteered my services as a public address/ music operator and after some intial struggles in the early weeks we really hit our stride and begun putting on some really professional presentations - almost, but not quite as good as the NHL, but we do what we can with our budget.

The Ice Hockey has been fantastic, and I'm so glad I got involved.

I'm now living in Kew, only a hop, skip and a jump away from downtown Melbourne. Its been great being so close to everything and its nice to know that going to the city now doesnt feel like an all day event. Its just there in your backyard.

Sherry and I have been to an open house in the city where they open up all the buildings, Sherry also ran 10km and we both went to training sessions on a Tuesday night. I remember running a solid 8 km one night, walking to a the Red Chili Bar on Russell St, eating, and then limping back to the car. Poor knees.

We've also checked out Chinese New Year, lots of drums and fire crackers. I can only imagine what it would have been like in San Fran. Probably just massive crackers that leave huge craters in the street.
What else? Hmm. Mum got pushed off her bike (like physically pushed by a person hanging out the passenger window of their car pushed) so she's had a long road to recovery but thank heavens she'll get back to 100%.

For my birthday Sherry and I went to to Sake Grill Bar on Little Bourke St. An awesome experience. Great sake, melt in your mouth meat and sauces that just combine perfectly with the flavour. It was (haha) one of my top meals of the month! Actually Mum, served up a feast the night before, Sezchuan soup, Pork spare ribs and satay beef. then cake.

Leslie if you happen to read this I'm thinking of you and how my blogs always end up being a recounting of the great meals i've eaten. I feel the great Ausrtalian novel coming on.

Then we went and saw Bliss 'n Eso, one of Australia's top Hip Hop outfits 'My Grandma told me..Never ever ever.....'. Our rap scene is pretty good with us blatantly relishing in our drawly accent. Respect to Drapht, The Herd and Hilltop Hoods.

But seriously - when it comes to albums they dont hold a candle to Relapse. What an album. Just so clever, forget the shock value it's just the music and the clever word play that make him great.

Work has been kind to me. I was lucky that when i got back i had work waiting for me. I then secured a full time merchandising role and I've really enjoyed it. I love being my own boss, taking responsibility for my work and getting to build relationships with some really great people. I'm not sure whether its a reflection of me as a person, or the stores that i work in but the people have been great to me.

So here I am now and I'm keen to get back into this writing business. It sbeen to long. My plan is to do a high five at least every week - and hopefully add in some game reviews and feature articles.

I plan to watch every Green Bay Packers game, every Boston Bruins game (although i'm keen on so many teams), and in the NBA - geez Loiuse - being a Celtic and Suns fan i think the sun has set and the luck of the irish has withered away. At least the Celtics are holding true to their mascot 'Lucky', in the logo he is leaning on a walking stick and that is what the entire Celtics roster will be doing too.

So much to talk about and I look forward to doing some previews, hopefully getting a podcast up and running - I've promised the Melbourne Ice that for next season anways.

So stay tuned, Don't be scared to post or email.

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