Well its the day after my birthday and i gotta say yesterday was a big day. I didnt have anything planned and intended just to cruise through it. Maybe go out to lunch with shez and have dinner at home - that's it. But it turned out to be pretty action packed.
I tried to get a good night sleep the night before so I hit the sack about 11pm. I was pretty tired anyway, but after 2 hours of laying in bed with the Nets v Suns 2OT game from Dec '06 on I still couldn't sleep.
So I got up and went back out to the general living quarters. Gaz had sent me a message pretty much right on midnight and guessed the age too. Not bad for a full blown squeeza. So I stayed up till about 3AM in the mornin'. Played 18 holes of Resort, bit of table tennis ta boot. I can't remember if I played cricket as well. I must have done a few things to be up until 3. Anyway, went to bed and chucked on some Raymond. I watched pretty much a full episode of Season 8 called 'Boy's Therapy'. Was pretty funny - I hadn't seen it in a while so i really enjoyed it. All i canthink of is Frank saying 'It really paid off.' and 'I owe it all to Marie's Mouth'. Nodded off nicely just at the start of the next episode.
I woke up way too early though. I reckon it would have been just after 7Am. Felt tired and heacachy but kind of pumped at the same time. Tried to have a ibt more of a dose but couldn't so by 8.30 i was up. I made myself a Sherry special for breakfast. egg on tomato, ham and muffin X 2. Why wasn't Sherry making me a Sherry special on MY birthday. Well she had a conference call to do with work. No excuses! I should have demanded a post conference conference.
On the bench were 2 cards. One was from Mum and another one was from the dogs. Woof! Woof! Sherry then gave me a gift and a bon bon. Oh yeah and a card. The card was cool. Kind of like Fliss' Vague vard. This one was a basketball one. At least it didnt say because I was 32 (Mgic Johnson's number) i'd got AIDS from slamming to many rings.
Donuts sent me that message today. Nice work although he said Merry Xmas and something about an empty sack. Sounds like a depressing christmas or birthday for any man.
Sherry firstly also gave me a book -Greatest Sports fiction and non-ficiton aritcles of 2007. Should be a good read. And also a scroll. See below
I then played a bit of Zen Pinball - Shaman table. Could only get about 6 million, witha few 'wearing no-o-o underwears' going. Played Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook and got my highest score to date. 229,800. Yeah! Then we headed down for brunch to the Pancake Parlor. Lovely!
I didnt quite no what to have but i was pleasantly suprsied. It was sort of like Bolognsese pancakes. I didnt even expect the bolognese and screwed up my face when it first came out. But it combined really well with the ham and the cheese. Shez had like a Hawaian Crepe. Also nice and then we shared a bavarian pancake - cineman and apple with ice-cream.
We then went and tried to get my jersey organised for framing. It was a bit of a headache. Didn't quite have the right colours and i wasn't overly impressed with the attitude of the staff either. Old chooks.
Then went home for an hour. I was pretty titred but then Sherry gave me a 3rd scroll. GOing into the coity this time. Had to be theire by 4.30. I had no idea for a change. Shez did really well to suprise me.
Even Rodders was there. I hadn't heard from him all day so i kind of suspected something.
But yeah the Flight sSimulator was awesome. Flew around Las Vegas and the old Hong Kong airport.
Then had dinner at the Dumpling place. No hot and sour soup was a let down but it meant i got to try new things. Was pretty impressed actually. Flied lice, bok choi, noodles, dimplings and coke! I hadnt had softdrink or caffeine for a month.
Then went to JB - Rodders bought cricket (when he got home and played it he messaged me about 6 times with score updates - apparantly Hughes got 80 - when the messages stopped i new the collapse was on). I got a game for 5 bucks.
Sherry then drove home and we dropped Rodders off befgfore going home and having really nice Mud cake made by Mum.
We then watched 1/2 of Shoot 'em up - which I thought was a cool movie. Jsut plaiun old shootin' without the rootin'. We were both pretty tired though. Fliss messaged me and i got 1/2 through saying thanks but stopped so sorry about that Fliss. So I didnt even see out the day. Was in bed and asleep 1/2 through an episode of Raymond. So apologies Gaz again - you were there when the date ticked over to the 13th and again late at night. Appreciated.
But got heaps of warm wishes from everyone so thanls to all - Daniel and Angela from Otter, Shannyn, Jay MC, Travis, Todd and Tim from JB, Newbs - although a day early, Amy Dodge, Daniel Banik, Amy, Dangas, Callan, Donuts, Paddington, Fliss, Pete, Sharee, Jeremy, Amy, Caz, Mum, Gaz, Rodders and of course Sherry.